Services for Matching Product Data

Efficient and Successful eCommerce Product Matching

Services for Matching and Deduplicating eCommerce Product Data

Maximize efficiency, manage inventories effectively, and optimize product pricing strategies. With Fusion Digi Tech eCommerce product data matching services, gain a competitive edge through data-driven insights.

  • Lower Inventory Costs by 50-60%
  • Save Time With Automated Workflows
  • Offer a Single Product View to Users
  • Grow Globally with Competitive Insights
  • Enrich Your Product Data Store
  • Reduced Cart Abandonment Rate
  • Increase Brand, Product, and Label Popularity
  • Get Industry-standard Product Taxonomy

Our eCommerce product data matching & deduplication services are crafted to deliver value.

We develop tailored matching strategies suited to your specific niche and requirements. Partner with us for eCommerce product matching and unlock opportunities to increase profits, cut expenses, and consistently outpace the competition!

What Are the Possibilities with Product Matching in eCommerce?

  • Control, Optimize, and Monitor the Price of Your Products with a Dynamic Strategy.
  • Get Deep, On-Point Insights about Competitor Products, Pricing, and Performance.
  • Offer a Consolidated, Consistent, and Comprehensive View of your Product Catalog.

Varieties of Product Data Matching and Deduplication Services Available at Fusion Digi Tech

Discover Your Desired Products. Match Worldwide. Leave No Stone Unturned.

With Fusion Digi Tech eCommerce product data matching & deduplication services, you gain immediate access to a comprehensive product database containing GTIN, EAN, and UPC. This extensive coverage allows us to seamlessly compare, match, and enhance your data across various categories.

Private Label

Exceed Customer Expectations and Surpass Competitors Simultaneously. Analyze Your Private Label Products Against Others in Your Niche. We’ll Identify Products with Similar Attributes and Optimize Your Data Store Accordingly.


Gain Firm Control Over Your Inventory and Pricing Strategies, Preparing Your Brand to Reach Global Customers. Our Experts Will Compare Your Branded Products with Competitors Worldwide and Offer…

Private Label Vs. Branded

Expand your business with an intelligent pricing strategy. Align your private label product attributes with those of your branded competitors. Stay competitive while managing your reach and inventory effectively.

Optimize Your Product Pricing through eCommerce Product Matching

Product matching is indispensable in eCommerce, serving both as a data quality procedure and a market differentiator. Particularly in pricing products amid fierce competition, eCommerce product matching becomes a formidable asset.

Price comparison is a cornerstone of retail arbitrage—a quasi-dogma of sorts. The concept is straightforward: aggregate identical products and analyze their prices to establish a profitable pricing benchmark for your listings. Yet, in practice, discerning between a $95 toothbrush and a $2 toothbrush entails intricate complexities.

This is precisely where our eCommerce product data matching services prove invaluable.

How Our Product Data Matching Services Facilitate Price Comparison

Our data processing experts employ a hybrid approach of AI, ML, and manual sorting to distinguish identical products from variations. Additionally, we prioritize minimizing false positives and meticulously curate search results with absolute precision through our eCommerce product data matching services.

  • SKU-level product matching
  • Adherence to local and international trading standards
  • Thorough parsing of long descriptions
  • Shopping portal-specific product matching
  • Ethical individual and brand website crawling
  • Dynamic price monitoring

To maximize the benefits of product matching in eCommerce, we conduct data searches directly on competitors’ websites, rather than solely relying on Google. This approach minimizes instances of ‘false positives’ and generates more accurate data insights for price comparison, monitoring, and management.

Provide a Unified Catalog with Our Product Data Matching Services

Attract qualified leads and ready-to-buy customers to your eStore with a finely tuned and seamlessly integrated catalog.

At Fusion Digi Tech, our product data matching and deduplication services concentrate on refining your listings and optimizing your catalogs. We categorize similar products, assess relationships between variants or products with similar purposes, and consolidate multi-dimensional product information into a single SKU when necessary.

Through this comprehensive product matching approach in eCommerce stores, we eliminate data duplication, resulting in a streamlined user experience and improved search result accuracy.

How Do We Prevent False Positives in eCommerce Product Matching?

When product matching in eCommerce, false positives can occur in two cases.

  • When similar products are mistaken for identical products
  • When identical products are missed during matching

Ensuring precise matches and avoiding false positives requires meticulous analysis. We employ automated systems while simultaneously involving our specialists to ensure dual accuracy. Our product data matching services meticulously examine every description and detail, leaving no room for error.

Missed matches often occur when sellers rely solely on search engines to find similar products online. Google or Bing may not display all available matches for a specific product. To address these issues, our eCommerce product data matching & deduplication services meticulously scan every competitor website, leaving no possibility unexplored.

Utilize Automated Copyright Protection through Product Matching in eCommerce

Concerned about unauthorized usage of your brand logo, product images, titles, descriptions, or other multimedia content online?

With our eCommerce product data matching services, you can trust us to handle such issues with precision!

At Fusion Digi Tech, we employ a comprehensive approach to product data matching and deduplication services. For each product listing, we utilize similarity algorithms on titles and images, matching design, presentation, and appearance. Simultaneously, our services also verify the accompanying information alongside the image.

  • We use AI models to understand product designs
  • We study multiple customization possibilities for any image
  • We train our AI models to identify a product through its use cases and features
  • We employ professionals to vet the final results

This meticulous process for matching eCommerce product listings ensures thorough comparisons at the core, leaving no detail overlooked, thanks to our standardized approach.

This is how we guarantee comprehensive copyright protection for all our clients, promptly notifying you of any breaches in real-time.

Workflow for eCommerce Product Data Matching & Deduplication

Despite the numerous complexities involved in comprehensive product matching in eCommerce, the guiding principle of this process remains simple.

If a product does not pass the similarity test, it should be removed from the dataset.

Our eCommerce product data matching and deduplication services operationalize this principle through a systematic series of steps. Each stage in our methodology is crafted to identify product matches while enforcing rigorous quality checks throughout the process.

Data Summary Report Creation

The initial phase of product matching in eCommerce involves identifying data cleansing needs. We gather pertinent product data for your listings from various sources and meticulously sift through them to identify values requiring completion, validation, or re-entry.

Product Attribute Standardization

To ensure comprehensive data parsing and in-depth comprehension, we surpass basic product attribute standardization. Our eCommerce product data matching services achieve this by dissecting lengthy descriptions and isolating unique product attributes.

Data Context Analysis

At this stage, the data we possess is predominantly fragmented and unorganized. We employ AI/ML algorithms to analyze this data, comprehend product use cases, and establish a contextual foundation for subsequent processes.

Catalog Categorization

Using the insights gained from the context, our services for product data matching and deduplication initiate a process encompassing identification, classification, and categorization. Subsequently, this data is leveraged to establish a structured hierarchy and taxonomy.

Product Matching

Entering the realm of product matching armed with meticulously organized and standardized data, our eCommerce services employ an array of similarity algorithms. These algorithms facilitate the comparison of data, enabling the identification of identical, similar, and duplicate results.

Data Deduplication

In constructing a unified product perspective, we eliminate each duplicate entry pinpointed during the product matching stage. Entries that cannot be removed undergo modification or enrichment with fresh contextual details.

Price Comparison

A primary aim of eCommerce product matching is to generate price comparison charts, monitor market dynamics, and devise pricing strategies accordingly. Our product data matching services address this aspect on a site-specific level.

Achieving 99% Accuracy with Unrivaled Quality: Explore Our Product Data Matching Services at Fusion Digi Tech

Leverage AI-driven crawling systems, ethical methodologies, and exceptional outcomes. Access these benefits and more through Fusion Digi Tech eCommerce product data matching services.

From major online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart to niche platforms, we exhaustively cover eCommerce product matching. Alongside our steadfast dedication and flawless track record, our services are distinguished by various other facets.

  • 20+ Years Of Industry Experience
  • Professional Resource Pool
  • 100% Client Satisfaction
  • Consistent >99% Accuracy Levels
  • Iso-Certified Processes
  • 8530+ Global Client Connections
  • 95% Client Retention Rates
  • Flexible Scaling And Payment Modules

Consider outsourcing your eCommerce Product Data Matching Service or opt for a Free Demo.

For further information on our eCommerce product data matching and deduplication services or to outsource this service to our experts, contact our team at

You can also schedule a demo session or request a sample job, both offered free of charge as a demonstration of our expertise and capabilities. Simply send an email to info@fusiondigitech.comor fill out the contact form on this page to request your free sample/demo of our product data matching services.

eCommerce Product Data Matching Services: FAQs

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