Dependable Data Migration Solutions

Transition to Next-Generation Systems with Minimal Disruption and Optimal Efficiency

Data Migration Solutions for Contemporary Enterprises

Are you hesitating to migrate your data due to concerns about downtime and security risks? Our team of data migration experts specializes in ensuring a seamless and secure transition with minimal disruptions. We take care of every aspect, from transferring databases and servers to managing intricate business processes. By modernizing your data infrastructure and moving away from outdated technologies, we not only minimize costs but also boost your business efficiency.

Our comprehensive support includes:

  • Thorough evaluation of your data infrastructure and defining the scope of migration
  • Profiling your data and mapping schemas to guarantee compatibility with the target system
  • Implementing Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes
  • Cloud migration services across various platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud
  • Expertise in database migrations, whether it’s transitioning from Oracle to PostgreSQL or from RedShift to MongoDB
  • Moving applications from one environment to another

Our Data Migration Services

We integrate technical expertise with a customer-focused methodology to grasp needs thoroughly and craft a migration plan aimed at optimizing value.

Database Migration Services

Our migration specialists meticulously assess your existing database framework, delineate quantifiable needs, and propose the most suitable solutions and target platforms. We ensure the integrity and comprehensiveness of your data through:

  • Proficiency in relational (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle) and non-relational databases (MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase)
  • Data mapping and schema conversion services
  • Minimization of downtime and data loss throughout the migration process
  • Post-mapping performance enhancement and query refinement.
Business Process Migration Services

Utilize our proficiency in data migration to pinpoint and resolve potential bottlenecks in your business operations with minimal manual intervention. Our specialists meticulously document current dependencies and outline the envisioned workflow state to elevate agility and productivity.

  • Thorough evaluation of current workflows
  • Guidance from experts in process modeling and optimization methodologies (Lean, Six Sigma)
  • Skillful implementation of low-code/no-code solutions for process digitalization
  • Seamless end-to-end automation of processes employing tools such as Camunda, Appian, and Pega.
Application Migration Services

Migrate your legacy applications from outdated technologies to contemporary platforms to unlock enhanced performance and innovation. We fine-tune your code for seamless compatibility and employ automated tools or containerization platforms for application deployment, ensuring data integrity and uniformity.

  • Thorough evaluation of current application architecture
  • Utilization of containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes
  • Implementation of microservices architecture to enhance scalability and adaptability
  • Transformation of codebases into modern programming languages
  • Adoption of modern DevOps practices including CI/CD and infrastructure as code for efficient migration processes.
Cloud Data Migration Services

Smoothly transition your on-premises digital assets to cloud platforms to experience improved scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. Our migration solutions prepare you for seamless cloud integration through:

  • Compatibility with top cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud
  • Implementation of hybrid and multi-cloud architectures
  • Utilization of serverless computing for economical processing
  • Robust security and compliance management, including IAM (Identity and Access Management) and encryption protocols.
Data Center Migration Services

Our migration specialists facilitate a seamless transition of your complete infrastructure (servers, storage, and network) to a new facility with minimal interruptions. We provide tailored location and colocation alternatives to equip your organization for future endeavors.

  • Dedicated high-speed network connectivity ensuring efficient data transfer
  • Implementation of secure communication protocols such as HTTPS, SFTP, etc.
  • Adherence to industry standards and regulations (e.g., HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO 27001)
  • Comprehensive business continuity planning to mitigate unforeseen events
  • Knowledge transfer sessions covering the intricacies of the new infrastructure.
Storage Migration Services

Unlock the heightened security and scalability offered by modern storage platforms through our comprehensive storage migration services. Our data migration specialists guarantee a seamless transition by:

  • Migrating data from legacy storage systems (e.g., SAN, NAS) to contemporary solutions
  • Employing software-defined storage (SDS) for enhanced mobility and flexibility
  • Leveraging cloud storage services (e.g., AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage) for increased accessibility and efficiency
  • Integrating advanced deduplication and compression techniques to optimize storage resources
  • Fine-tuning storage systems to enhance I/O throughput and minimize latency for improved performance.

Need a secure and reliable data migration solution?

With a track record of successfully serving over 1200 clients, we excel in delivering top-tier data migration services. Let’s kickstart your project today!

What Sets Our Data Migration Company Apart as
Your Strategic Partner?

We maintain that a flexible and scalable migration approach is essential for cost-effective and efficient data migration. Here are some distinguishing attributes that set us apart in the industry:

Methodical Approach

We guarantee swift and punctual delivery of data migration projects and solutions through the utilization of agile methodologies.

Client-Centric Focus

Through the implementation of agile methodologies, we assure prompt and timely delivery of data migration projects and solutions.

Competitive Pricing

We prioritize delivering utmost value to our clients, which is why we provide a flexible and customizable engagement structure.

Preemptive Testing

Before each migration event, we implement thorough quality assurance measures to guarantee reliability and provide peace of mind for our clients.

Human-supervised, technology-driven migration

We integrate AI-powered automation into our human-driven migration workflow, following a humans-in-the-loop approach.

Revolutionizing Data Migration with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in tackling the complexities of data migration, from managing varying formats to handling vast amounts of data and refining mapping methods. Fusion Digi Tech employs state-of-the-art AI-driven solutions to equip businesses with exceptional precision and productivity. Our skilled professionals merge advanced algorithms into our processes, automating tasks such as data profiling, mapping, entry, and cleansing, resulting in remarkable reductions in migration timeframes. Through our humans-in-the-loop strategy, we ensure that AI-driven data migration maintains contextual accuracy and relevance under human supervision. Explore our range of AI solutions below.

Machine Learning Data Migration

Our team harnesses machine learning to customize migration solutions, streamlining data entry and automating repetitive tasks. Additionally, we employ personalized data profiling strategies tailored to your data’s format and complexity, ensuring heightened accuracy.

Cognitive Data Integration

We employ Natural Language Processing (NLP), entity resolution, and ontology-based AI algorithms to comprehend, interpret, and merge data from various sources. This methodology enables us to construct comprehensive databases with uniform formats, facilitating improved decision-making processes.

AI-Driven Data Synchronization

Our specialists craft, tailor, and incorporate AI and ML algorithms to detect data changes, reconcile disparities, and maintain current information across diverse data channels. This enhances data accuracy, guaranteeing precision even with intricate, unstructured data.

AI-Powered Data Mapping

We employ sophisticated AI algorithms such as decision trees, k-nearest neighbors, and clustering algorithms like k-means to pinpoint and align data fields between source and target systems. This minimizes manual intervention and ensures seamless data alignment throughout the process.

Our Approach to Secure Data Migration

Planning and Assessment

We define the parameters and goals of data migration, identifying the source and target systems while evaluating their technical specifications. Furthermore, we scrutinize your data structure and pinpoint potential dependencies within the source system. Using this assessment, we craft a comprehensive migration roadmap, delineating timelines, necessary resources, and strategies for risk management.

Data Acquisition and Preparation

We retrieve data from the source system and conduct preliminary cleansing. This data undergoes thorough validation to verify its completeness, accuracy, and consistency. Furthermore, stringent quality checks are implemented to detect and rectify any data discrepancies. Finally, if required, the data is synchronized and backed up prior to migration.

Mapping and Transformation

We pinpoint particular fields, tables, and entities within the source system, linking them to their counterparts in the target system. Using the mapping outcomes, we establish transformation rules and logic tailored to the precise needs of the target system. This procedure utilizes various tools and technologies, such as scripting languages and data integration platforms.

Data Migration

We execute the data migration according to the selected methodology (such as ETL, Big Bang, or Phased approach) and load the transformed data. Following migration, rigorous testing and validation are conducted to ensure the data’s functionality within the target environment. Additionally, we test applications and interfaces dependent on the migrated data.

Ready to see how Fusion Digi Tech data migration solutions impact your business?

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