Services for Upgrading Legacy Applications

Ensure your legacy system is future-proof with our modernization services.

Secure the Future of Your Software through Legacy Application Modernization

Outdated applications can hinder progress and expose you to security risks. Escape these limitations with our specialized legacy application modernization services. Our approach integrates:

  • Cloud Migration: Move apps to scalable, secure cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, or GCP)
  • Containerization: Package apps using Docker and Kubernetes for efficient deployment
  • Microservices: Break monoliths into independent services using modern frameworks
  • API Integration: Enable efficient communication between services and components
  • Automated Delivery: Implement DevOps pipelines for constant integration, deployment
  • Data Modernization: Leverage modern databases for data storage and retrieval
  • User Experience Uplift: Revamp front-ends with responsive, accessible UI frameworks

From redesigning and re-engineering to migrating applications to the cloud, we lead you through the entire modernization lifecycle. Following advanced software practices, we enhance your digital capabilities with minimal disruption to business operations, advancing your enterprise towards a secure, future-proof state.

Exploring Our Legacy System Modernization Services

Achieve rapid releases, enhanced security, and an improved software experience with our legacy software modernization services, encompassing:

Application Modernization Consulting

Ensure the future readiness of your operations with our software modernization consultants who specialize in transforming legacy systems. Our services include:

  • Comprehensive structural and architectural analysis of business applications
  • Remediation recommendations for backup, recovery, and risk mitigation
  • Integration advisory for modern APIs, databases, and third-party services
  • Strategic approaches and technology recommendations for modernization
  • Continuous advisory for maintaining modernized applications
  • Consulting for migration to cloud-native, microservices, or containerized architectures
Data Modernization

Enhance the agility and reduce complexity of your operational legacy databases with our data modernization expertise. Our specialists focus on:

  • Enhancing performance through database infrastructure upgrades
  • Migrating systems to the latest database versions for updated functionalities
  • Establishing real-time data pipelines to support rapid, scalable analytics
  • Implementing intuitive BI tools for immediate insights
Cloud Modernization/Migration

Efficiently migrate your IT infrastructure and applications to the cloud, reducing costs and speeding up time-to-market. We specialize in application modernization on Azure and AWS, offering:

  • Seamless rehosting of legacy applications to the cloud with minimal modifications
  • Re-platforming to optimize legacy applications in the cloud while preserving core functionality
  • Re-architecting for modernization using serverless, microservices, and cloud-native architectures
  • Integration of hybrid/multi-cloud environments to unify on-premises and cloud systems for enhanced flexibility
  • Ongoing support for managing and optimizing cloud infrastructure
Digitalization/Digital Transformation

Through integrating legacy applications with cutting-edge digital tools and solutions, our team empowers you to leverage your IT investments fully, drive business transformation, and maintain competitiveness. We:

  • Optimize business processes using digital tools
  • Integrate Big Data and Advanced Analytics for actionable insights
  • Deploy AI/ML to automate processes and boost performance
  • Integrate IoT for seamless connectivity and data exchange
  • Implement Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to streamline repetitive tasks
  • Ensure robust cybersecurity and compliance for data protection
UI/UX Modernization

Collaborate with software modernization specialists to transform outdated interfaces into enhanced user experiences. We craft engaging, interactive, and user-friendly designs by:

  • Designing attractive interfaces with a focus on UI components, typography, colors, and interactive elements.
  • Optimizing information architecture, navigation flows, and interaction patterns.
  • Ensuring consistent experiences across devices using responsive design principles.
  • Conducting usability testing and validation for ongoing enhancements.
  • Integrating seamlessly with backend systems to deliver a functional user experience.
Maintenance and Support

Count on our dedicated team to maintain the long-term viability and performance of your upgraded applications. We guarantee reliability, currency, and alignment with your requirements through:

  • Timely resolution of bugs and development of new features
  • Ongoing monitoring of application performance and infrastructure health
  • Automated alerts and remediation for potential issues
  • Detailed weekly/monthly reports on health, performance, and enhancements
  • Regular updates and assessments to ensure data protection and compliance

Achieve Outstanding Results with Our Legacy Application Modernization Services


Reduction in Development Costs


Infrastructure Year-over-Year Savings


Faster Rollout of Features

Differentiating Factors of Our Application Modernization Solutions

When it comes to modernizing your legacy applications, choosing the right legacy application modernization company can significantly impact your success. Here’s why our software modernization services are exceptional:

Agile DevOps Methodology

We employ agile methodologies and DevOps practices, enabling iterative development, continuous integration, and rapid deployment of modernized applications.

Reduced Go-to-Market Time

We employ agile methodologies and DevOps practices, enabling iterative development, continuous integration, and rapid deployment of modernized applications.

AI-Powered Solutions

We employ agile methodologies and DevOps practices, enabling iterative development, continuous integration, and rapid deployment of modernized applications.

Change Management

We employ agile methodologies and DevOps practices, enabling iterative development, continuous integration, and rapid deployment of modernized applications.

Our Approach to Modernizing Legacy Applications

Our established techniques for modernizing legacy apps and software ensure a smooth and strategic transformation of your outdated systems, delivering significant value to your business.

Assessment and Analysis

We assess current application strengths and bottlenecks, taking into account architecture and business requirements to lay the groundwork for modernization.

Planning and Roadmapping

We establish objectives, prioritize tasks, and create a timeline for targeted and efficient modernization efforts that align with your business goals.

Technology Selection and Integration

Our team conducts thorough analysis and seamlessly integrates modern technologies, ensuring compatibility and scalability with your current infrastructure.

Code Refactoring and Optimization

We optimize legacy code to enhance efficiency and maintainability, implementing industry best practices for modern development standards.

Testing and Deployment

Our team creates detailed test cases, performs rigorous testing, and deploys modernized applications with minimal downtime and disruption.

Essential Reading

Explore our knowledge base, which provides insights ranging from fundamental concepts to the latest trends in legacy software modernization, empowering you to stay ahead of industry shifts.

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